Royal Flush Hunting Lodge
Charlie Tveit - Owner
39497 145th St.
Stratford, SD 57474
Contact Info:
Phone: (605) 290-7502
Phone: (605) 290-7507

At Royal Flush, we offer over 4,000 acres of prime hunting land. All of this land is a different nature such as cornfields, food plots, sloughs, CRP, and shelterbelts giving hunters all types of terrain to hunt on different days. We are located in Stratford, SD which is in Brown County. This is the heart of pheasant country. Plan on doing what you come here to do – HUNT! Depending on the weather conditions, group size, and time of the day will determine on what the best methods to hunt these fields are. We do not guarantee you birds, but we do guarantee that you will see them and it is up to you to shoot them.